Sunday, 20 July 2014

Anastasia beverley hills dip brow promade and brow wiz.

Hi again,

I have made yet another naughty purchase, But this time it was justified! The other day I hit pan on my favourite eyebrow product (mac croquette), but ever since Anastasia launched its products in the UK I was extremely intrigued by the products.

I decided to purchase the dip brow promade and the ever so popular brow wiz. First of all, both of the packaging gets a 10/10 from me. The brow wiz has a brow brush on the end which I find to be amazing! It is so convenient as it means when I'm not at home, I only need to take this pencil instead of this and a separate brow brush. The dip brow just has an easy to use pot which I really like.

I use my MAC 208 brush to apply the dip brow to my brows and I think this brush gives me great precision and I am able to control it easily. Unlike other brushes, the mac brush is really dense and perfect for the eyebrows. 

The actual performance of the product is amazing as well, it is sort of like a mousse texture which means the colour applies really creamy and thick, so it is really easy to draw on your eyebrows easily.  

Funny story, the first time I used this product I applied a very generous layer (the mousse is so fun, no lie) and ended up with a year 8 boy saying to me "you look like nanny mcphee". really not what a 16 year old girl wants to hear. 

After a few attempts, I think I have now managed to do my brows properly so they don't look overly drawn on. I absolutely love both these products and will definitely be buying more wen this runs out.

You can buy both these products on priced at £15.50 for the brow wiz, and £15 for the dip brow. In my opinion both these products are worth the hype!

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